Did you know that your newborn’s face changes within the first week of being born? Even their eye or hair color can change within a few months after birth!
Within a year’s time, a newborn goes through so many changes that, without the help of photographs, you’d have a hard time remembering all those little quirks your babe had along the way. From changing faces and bodies to all those adorable expressions or movements, they all seem to go away in a moment’s time.
It really is true about what people say — they grow up so fast! That’s why it’s so important to capture all those little changes as they happen over time.
While I absolutely urge you — no, beg you! — to take as many photographs of your darling cherub as you can, also consider having professional milestone photographs taken.
With my 1-year milestone session, I’ll make sure you have meaningful pictures to celebrate and remember their first trip around the sun. Time marches on either way. Document things now so you can continue to coo over your little one later.

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